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Hannah’s performances have included solo, chamber and song recitals at the Barbican, St Martin-in-the-Fields, LSO St Luke’s, Cardiff’s St David’s Hall, St John’s Smith Square and the Royal Festival Hall, as well as performances on Radio 3’s In Tune and Afternoon on 3, and a scene in The Lady in the Van. Hannah read Modern Languages at Cambridge and the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon before studying for a solo piano Masters and Artist Diploma at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, taught by Martin Roscoe and Caroline Palmer. Her studies were generously funded by Help Musicians and the Countess of Munster Musical Trust, amongst others.


From 2017-2021, Hannah worked as Music Director at the Anglican Cathedral in Nairobi, leading a team of around 200 musicians over 8 adult and children’s choirs, as well as a major organ restoration project. She continued to give solo, song and chamber recitals and perform as a concerto soloist with orchestras including the Nairobi Orchestra and Kenyan National Youth Orchestra. She also taught and mentored several talented teenagers, two of whom are now studying at US conservatoires. She maintains an ongoing link with music in Kenya and will return next year to perform Beethoven’s 4th piano concerto with the Nairobi Orchestra and for the opening of a new music education centre with Baraka Opera Kenya. Alongside her performing work, she is currently music director for St Anselm’s church Kennington and Norwich-based chamber choir Sine Nomine.

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